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(ePub File) BEER SAFETY: Practical Guides for Beer Quality
(ePub File) BEER SAFETY: Practical Guides for Beer Quality

Meet the Author: Listen to Charles Bamforth discuss this book.

The sixth volume in a six-part series addressing the quality of beer.

Item No. 96414D
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Also available in Print Format

People have consumed beer for more than 8,000 years—and for many, beer has served as a food as much as a drink. Beer found its place on the dining table because it was realized to be safer than water and to provide nutrients. Certainly, beer has more nutritional value than any other alcoholic beverage and is better suited to a balanced diet.

In the sixth and final installment in the ASBC series Practical Guides for Beer Quality, Charles W. Bamforth offers a comprehensive and authoritative description of the factors that underlie beer safety and wholesomeness. He highlights the food safety issues associated with producing beer, the current understanding of beer consumption, the basis for making health claims about beer consumption, and the potential negative and positive health effects of drinking beer.

Bamforth also identifies how brewers can ensure that their products are as safe and wholesome as possible by guiding them through risk factors and recommending preventive and corrective measures. He helps brewers understand how to avoid chemical and microbiological contamination and describes the relationship between raw materials and related processes and the levels of beneficial and adverse components in beer.

With more than 40 years in the brewing industry, Bamforth is skilled at presenting complex scientific issues in a readily understood and applicable manner. He takes a straightforward approach to discussing science and focuses on the practicalities of health and wholesomeness as they relate to brewing. Beer Safety and Wholesomeness will be a valuable resource not only to professionals in the brewing industry but also to people who love their beer!

BEER SAFETY AND WHOLESOMENESS: Practical Guides for Beer Quality ePUB File

1. Beer: The Best of Drinks

2. Nitrosamines

3. A Cornucopia of Concerns

4. Intolerances, Allergies, and Autoimmune Responses

5. Weight

6. Making Health Claims: How Is It Done?

7. Claims for the Negative

8. Claims for the Positive

9. Potentially Beneficial Components of Beer

10. A Summary of Recommended Actions for the Brewer

Further Reading


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Publish Date: 2021
Format: ePUB File
ISBN: Print: 978-1-881696-39-1
Epub: 978-1-881696-41-4
Mobi/Kindle: 978-1-881696-40-7
Pages: 111

By Charles W. Bamforth

BEER SAFETY AND WHOLESOMENESS: Practical Guides for Beer Quality ePUB File

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