Edited by Annie Hill and Frances Jack This book is a valuable reference for current and prospective distillers, including researchers in distilling and chemical engineering and students brewing and distilling programs. |
 Like the original flavor wheel, the ASBC Beer Flavor Wheel, Second Edition, provides a universal vocabulary for beer tasters, brewers, researchers, and marketers. |
 Edited by Graham Stewart, Julie Kellershohn, and Inge Russell This book continues to provide details from raw materials to the finished product, including production, packaging and marketing. |
 By Evan Evans Readers will emerge from this book with a deeper understanding of the foundations of mashing biochemistry, such as the relationships between starch and starch-hydrolyzing enzymes and between proteins and proteases. |
 By Xiang S. Yin This book seamlessly bridges the science of malt with practical applications in food and beverage production. |
 Edited by Brian Guthrie, Jonathan D. Beauchamp, Andrea Buettner, Stephen Toth, and Michael C. Qian This book addresses emerging concerns about environmental smoke, the under-representation of the chemistry of attraction, and challenges in the analyses of alcoholic beverages. |
 Edited by Thomas H. Shellhammer and Scott R. Lafontaine This timely book summarizes the current scientific understanding of hop flavor and aroma with contributions from the world's leading hop scientists. |
 By Jennifer Talley Session Beers explores the history behind some of the world’s greatest session beers, past and present. |
 Edited by Stephen R. Holle, Ray Klimovitz, Lars Larson, Karl Ockert, and Steve Presley This book includes an overview of the brewing process, a description of a multitude of beer styles worldwide, the rules for pairing food and beer, and the ingredients behind brewing. |
 MBAA A tool to help you talk about and sell beer! It helps you create a record of the great (and not-so-great) beers that you taste. |
 By Susan Langstaff Aids in quick and accurate identification of off-aromas and flavors. |
 By Takashi Inoue This comprehensive publication on diacetyl formation in fermented foods and beverages explains the science behind diacetyl formation, how to control it, and how to measure it in food manufacturing processes. |