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For the Love of Hops: The Practical Guide
For the Love of Hops: The Practical Guide
This book explains the nature of hops, their origins, and how to maximize their positive attributes through the brewing process.

Item No. 69015
For the Love of Hops expertly explains the nature of hops, their origins, and how brewers maximize their positive attributes throughout the brewing process. Author Stan Hieronymus starts with the basics of hop chemistry, then examines the important role farmers play and how brewers can best choose the hops they need. He provides fundamental information about and descriptions of more than 100 hop varieties, along with 16 recipes from around the world, including from top U.S. craft brewers. Hieronymus explores hop quality and utilization, with an entire chapter devoted to dry hopping. Throughout, Hieronymus’ research and accessible writing style educate the reader on the rich history of hops and their development into an essential ingredient in beer.

For the Love of Hops: The Practical Guide to Aroma, Bitterness and the Culture of Hops




Me to Mirror: So You Want to Write a Book About Hops?
About the Book

1. The Hop and Aroma

Hop Oils: Secrets Not Yet Revealed
Less Is More and Other Aroma Secrets
Hop Aroma Impact
The Language of Aroma and Flavor
Why You Smell Tomahto and I Smell

2. A Plant With a Past

‘We Like the Hop That Grows on This Side of the Road’

3. A Plant With a Future

4. Growing Hops

Location, Location, Location
Size Matters, But So Does Family

5. Harvesting Hops

Turning Acres of Hops Into Bales
Rubbing and Sniffing
A Brewer’s Guide to Evaluating and Selecting Hops

6. The Hop Store

Pelletizing & Pellet Products
Hop Extracts
Advanced Hop Products
From Admiral to Zeus

7. Hops in the Brewhouse

Alpha Acids and Beta Acids
The Bitterness Drift
Understanding IBU and Calculating Utilization
Ready, Set, Start Adding Hops
Post-Boil Hopping

8. Dry Hopping

The Universal Questions
Residence Time and Number of Additions
Fermenter Geometry
The Slurry Method
Hop Cannon

9. The Good, the Bad, and the Skunky

Hop Quality Group: A Learning Process
Pellets: Easier to Store but Just as Fragile
Polyphenols and Phenols
‘Skunky’ by Any Other Name (‘Imported’) Is Still a Fault
Some Like Their Hops Slightly Aged, Some Quite Old
Dry Hopping and Flavor Stability

10. What Works

About the Recipes
The Recipes
Old World’s Mantra, Brasserie de la Senne
Indian Brown Ale, Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
New Zealand Pale Ale, Epic Brewing and Good George Brewing
Union Jack IPA, Firestone Walker Brewing
Fuller’s 1845, Fuller, Smith & Turner
Kissmeyer Stockholm Syndrom Imperial IPA, Kissmeyer Beer & Brewing
Red Ale, Marble Brewery
English Lager, Meantime Brewing
14° Tmavé Speciální Pivo, Pivovar Kout na Šumav?e
Bavarian Helles, Private Landbrauerei Schönram
Mein Nelson Sauvin, G. Schneider & Sohn
Northern Hemisphere Harvest Ale, Sierra Nevada Brewing
Hopfen, Urban Chestnut Brewing
Kellerpils, Victory Brewing
Verboten, Weyerbacher Brewing

11. Epilogue


Publish Date: 2012
Format: 6” x 9” softcover
Pages: 321
Publication Weight: 2 lbs

By Stan Hieronymus

For the Love of Hops: The Practical Guide to Aroma, Bitterness and the Culture of Hops

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