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DCHA - RHO Standard 250mg
DCHA - RHO Standard 250mg
International Calibration Standard for HPLC analysis. A purified preparation of dicyclohexylamine salts of cis-ρ-ISO-α-acids. Total ρ-ISO-α-acids: 65.0% (w/w). Concentration was determined by the International Subcommittee for Isomerized Hop alpha-acids Standards and takes into account only the major forms of the ρ-ISO-α-acids that are present, including two cis-ρ-isocohumulones, two cis-ρ-isohuumulones, and two cis-ρ-isoadhumulones.

Shipping included to North America and Japan, elsewhere needs to please request a quote.

Item No. 43611_3
International Calibration Standard for HPLC analysis. A purified preparation of dicyclohexylamine salts of cis-ρ-ISO-α-acids. Total ρ-ISO-α-acids: 65.0% (w/w). Concentration was determined by the International Subcommittee for Isomerized Hop alpha-acids Standards and takes into account only the major forms of the ρ-ISO-α-acids that are present, including two cis-ρ-isocohumulones, two cis-ρ-isohuumulones, and two cis-ρ-isoadhumulones.

ICS - R3 Rho Standard

Format: 250 mg.

ICS - R3 Rho Standard

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